021 981 9933 info@ccpt.co.za
Today we celebrate! 🎉

Today we celebrate! 🎉

When I was a little girl, I loved going with my Dad (a Vet) on calls to help farm animals, I learned and experienced so much. I knew that one day when I grew up that I also wanted to make a difference. I had my first knee operation in Grade 7, it was a scary...

Let’s Celebrate

Yesterday we celebrated having treated 20 000 families at our practice! We invited Hein, with file number 20 000, to represent you all yesterday. I wish we all could have been here to share the fun! More importantly we would like to sincerely thank each and every one...
Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

Introducing Shockwave Therapy I have some really exciting news today! As a physiotherapist I am always asking myself:” How can I do this treatment even better so that it can be more effective?” I get frustrated with certain injuries that appear to need that something...