Yesterday we celebrated having treated 20 000 families at our practice!
We invited Hein, with file number 20 000, to represent you all yesterday.
I wish we all could have been here to share the fun! More importantly we would like to sincerely thank each and every one of you for your loyal support and for your faith and trust in us. Just to share – this week I treated a lady for back pain, she last saw me when I treated her children who were then 2 and 3 years old – now they are 29 and 30!
Knowing you and your families is special to us.
We appreciate you!
I am also so grateful to my loyal and trustworthy staff – we would not be here without you. It is a huge privilege to work with people like Heidi and Linda for between 15 and 20 years. Thank you Deidre and Marietha for over 5 years. Mignon and Bardine we appreciate you.
Lets party!
Cathy Carstens