Bardine Whitlam
Experience: I Completed community service in 2007 at 3 Military Hospital, Bloemfontein.
After community service I worked in the UK for 2 years. Here I gained experience in various
forms of physiotherapy as a locum physiotherapist. I worked a lot with the British Military
where I saw various types of sports- and other injuries . After returning to South Africa, I
worked in Welkom, in the Free State for +/- 6 years. Here I worked in both hospital and
private practice.
Special Interests: Various musculo-skeletal conditions, orthopaedic conditions, sportsinjuries, rehabilitation and post-operative rehabilitation, paediatric respiratory conditions.
More about Bardine: : I love job. Working with people and helping them is my passion. I enjoy spending time with my family and exercising when possible.Joined Cathy Carstens Physiotherapy Practice: 2023